Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage
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North to South Financial Services  Ltd
North to South Financial Services Ltd is registered in England and Wales under registration number 13123742. The registered address, 37b Shearing Hill, Gedling, Nottingham, NG4 3GY. North to South Financial Services Ltd is an appointed representative of PRIMIS Mortgage Network, a trading name of Personal Touch Financial Services Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Mortgages - For our advice services we will charge a fee of £399 which is payable upon mortgage offer. After the fee has been paid you will not receive a refund if your mortgage or loan does not go ahead. However, the amount of fee paid, will be transferred to a new application. We will also be paid a procuration fee by the lender. The amount of the procuration fee will be disclosed to you. You have the right to ask us to provide information on the range of procuration fees that the lenders on our panels offer to us. If an application is submitted to a lender via a packager (a 3rd party specialist) we will be paid commission by the packager. This will be disclosed to you.
Regulatory Information (Information on this website is tailored to clients within the United Kingdom.)
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