When you are coming towards the end of your current fixed rate your existing lender will write out to you showing what rates you would be eligible for. Typically this is 3-4 months before your current deal is due to expire. When you become a client of North to South we will contact you 6 months before your current deal is due to expire to ensure we can lock you in to the most suitable rates and secure your lending for as long as we possibly can before helping get your switch over the line once any early repayment charges have ended.
You want to ensure you leave yourselves with enough time to get your remortgage transaction completed in time as you will find if your current deal is due to expire or has already expired your next monthly repayment will mostly be higher due to coming out of your agreed deal with your current lender. We know life can be hectic and its one of those thing that you will get around to or sort out next month, which sometimes leads to clients sitting on a standard variable rate for a long time throwing money down the drain that can be put to better use.
If your mortgage payments have changed recently and you’re unsure why - it will be for two reasons; 1. Your fixed rate deal has ended or 2. You are on a tracker rate mortgage deal and the Bank of England have increased their base rate, thus lenders increasing theirs.
Normally a remortgage application takes between 5-6 weeks from start to finish unless there are any early repayment charges then the case will sit accepted and be ready to go once these have expired.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage